Itchy Pet 

Pet irritation often goes unnoticed because symptoms can seem similar to normal animal behavior, so look out for these tell-tale signs and possible causes of skin irritation.     


-Scratching or rubbing: Dogs scratch themselves, sure, but if they’re doing it all the time it’s not normal.      

-Licking paws: Constant licking might mean your pet is uncomfortable.      

-Biting: If you find your pet biting and chewing away at itself, chances are they have irritated, itchy skin.     

o ADVANCED:      

If you see one of these, it’s time to take immediate action.    

-Hot spots: When a pup scratches, bites, and licks too much a “hot spot” can show up.      

-Scaling skin: Skin that is dry, thick, and flaky from chronic irritation os bad. It may be accompanied by physical changes in your pet’s coat. 

-Ear issues: No one wants to deal with stinky and waxy ears, but make sure to keep an eye out for these problems as they may indicate an infection.   


If you see any of the following, it's time to call the vet.    

-Discharge: Oozy liquid from the ear or skin.    

-Infection: Obvious bacteria or fungus. 

-Chonic Alopecia: noticeable fur loss.     

-Behavior: Anxiety-driven behavioral pattern.    


o Allergies: Food, environmental, and seasonal. Parasites: Fleas, ticks, mites, or ringworms.     

o Behavioral: Anxiety or stress.       

o Hormonal: Hormonal imbalance or endocrine disease 
Do not forget to pay attention to these symptoms to prevent issues and take action sooner rather than later! 

Control Environmental Allergens 

The air is filled with allergens that will irritate your pet’s skin and coat. Lucky for you, taking care of these pesky little allergies can actually be quite simple:      

o Clear the air: Use air purifiers, and be sure to regularly change the air filters on your vents and air conditioners each season.    

o Remove dust: Regular dust removal in your home will keep your pets (and furniture!) feeling fresh.   

o Remove Irritants: Taking the time to bathe your pup regularly is a great way to remove allergens and spend some dedicated quality time with your buddy!   

Your Pet ’s diet 

Just like with humans, a healthy skin and coat starts from the inside out. Your pet may be allergic to their food, or may just not be getting the right vitamins and fats. 

What can you do? 

Try boosting nutrition       

o A well-balanced diet helps keep the skin and coat healthy, which can then lead to less itching.       

o Healthy fats and oils can improve your pet’s skin and coat.       

o Good fats help your pet absorb nutrients.       

Check for food allergies 

o Try switching your pet’s food to a new limited-diet ingredient with different proteins.       

o Don’t forget about treats – they may contain problematic ingredients. 

If you want to learn more we recommend you to watch Dr. Judy and Dr. Marc talk about Natural Pet Care. Just click HERE!